
V-22 Osprey makes a slow pass along the shoreline. 04-30-05 12:17pm


The Osprey's tilt-rotor system can transition from a hover to full forward motion. 04-30-05 12:17pm


Two 6150 shaft horsepower turboshaft engines each drive a 38 ft diameter, 3-bladed proprotor.
04-30-05 12:19pm


US Army Golden Knights had to fight stiff winds to land at show center. 04-30-05 12:27-12:29pm


Golden Knights Fokker C-31A Friendship Aircraft flyby. 04-30-05 12:36pm


North American F-86 Sabre flight demonstration. 04-30-05 12:39pm


The Sabre is flown by Capt. Dale "Snort" Snodgrass. 04-30-05 12:41pm


KC-10 Extender flyby. 04-30-05 12:49pm


The old and the new: a USAF T-6A Texan II and an older Marine T-6 Texan flyby. 04-30-05 1:07pm


The T-6 West Demonstration team flies out of Randolph AFB. 04-30-05 1:09pm