
US Coast Guard Lockheed HC-130H Hercules approaches show center. 04-30-05 3:15pm


This Herc is stationed at Clearwater, FL, the largest and busiest Air Station in the Coast Guard.
04-30-05 3:15pm


US Coast Guard HU-25 Falcon Jet dropping a survival package consisting of an
emergency radio beacon, a marine radio, and a survival suit. 04-30-05 3:16pm


US Coast Guard swimmer jumps out of a HH-65 Dolphin (Dauphine) helicopter. 04-30-05 3:18pm


US Coast Guard swimmers are hoisted aboard a HH-60J Jayhawk helicopter. 04-30-05 3:19pm


Another Coast Guard swimmer egresses from a HH-65 Dolphin. 04-30-05 3:20pm


The HH-65 closes its door and prepares to leave show center. 04-30-05 3:21pm


The HH-60J does a flyby. 04-30-05 3:21pm


Taking photos of people taking photos. 04-30-05 3:21pm