
F-15 Eagle demonstration flight. 04-30-05 2:39 pm


The F-15 is a tactical fighter designed to permit the Air Force to gain
and maintain air supremacy over the battlefield. 04-30-05 2:40 pm


F-15 Eagle demonstration flight. 04-30-05 2:41 pm


The Eagle is joined by the F-86 Sabre for a USAF Heritage Flight photo pass. 04-30-05 2:51 pm


Here's a good look at the F-86 Sabre flown by Dale Snodgrass. 04-30-05 2:53 pm


The US Navy Parachute Team "Leap Frogs" C-130 on its way to jump altitude. 04-30-05 2:59 pm


WEAT 850AM Sky 850 aircraft. WEAT broadcast live play-by-play of the Air & Sea Show.
04-30-05 3:07 pm


HelicopterShuttle.com offers both executive shuttle services and
sightseeing flights in the Ft. Lauderdale area. 04-30-05 3:06 pm


The Eurocopter EC 130 is as quiet as it is stylish. 04-30-05 3:08 pm


Got room for one more? 04-30-05 3:10 pm